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Vive Cosmos Vr Htc
Asking Prize : 1999
5/17/2021 12:19:45 PM
Product Description
6 TRACKING CAMERAS Get expansive movement coverage with a wide tracking fieldofviewSUPERIOR VISUAL FIDELITY 2880 x 1700 combinedresolution 90Hz refresh rate adjustable interpupillary distance IPD dial for visual comfort and qualityCONVENIENT FLIPUP DESIGN Snap back to reality with a simple push of your display and headphonesSTEAM VIVEPORT LIBRARY ACCESS Play your favorite VR games apps straight from VRs top content storesVIVE REALITY SYSTEM VRS Be more immersed beg
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Advertiser information and contact
Advertiser Name : ( HUDIFAH TREND QATAR )
Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 70401616 )
number of ads : ( 3 )
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