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Vive Cosmos Vr Htc

Asking Prize : 1999

5/17/2021 12:19:45 PM

Product Description

6 TRACKING CAMERAS Get expansive movement coverage with a wide tracking fieldofviewSUPERIOR VISUAL FIDELITY 2880 x 1700 combinedresolution 90Hz refresh rate adjustable interpupillary distance IPD dial for visual comfort and qualityCONVENIENT FLIPUP DESIGN Snap back to reality with a simple push of your display and headphonesSTEAM VIVEPORT LIBRARY ACCESS Play your favorite VR games apps straight from VRs top content storesVIVE REALITY SYSTEM VRS Be more immersed beg

(6 / 10 / 8791 )

Advertiser information and contact

Advertiser Name : ( HUDIFAH TREND QATAR )

Contact Numebr/Mobile : ( 70401616 )

number of ads : ( 3 )

Images of the product


Product Key Word

TRACKING CAMERAS expansive movement coverage with wide tracking fieldofviewSUPERIOR VISUAL FIDELITY 2880 1700 combinedresolution 90Hz refresh rate adjustable interpupillary distance dial visual comfort qualityCONVENIENT FLIPUP DESIGN Snap back reality with simple push your display headphonesSTEAM VIVEPORT LIBRARY ACCESS Play your favorite games apps straight from content storesVIVE REALITY SYSTEM more immersed Vive Cosmos